Take ur time for thisz*** God blees Have you always wondered why some people are quick to say "i don't want to talk about it" whenever a new person in their life asks why they broke up with an ex? I guess most times people who are quick to waive the discussion might just have something sensitive they do not want to share because in many instances we tend to allow the feeling of initial gragra cloud our sense of reasoning and just fall in love with someone who was really a nightmare to his or her ex(es). No wonder why many companies ask for letter of reference from your past employer or someone that cantreally vouch for you. My advice to ladies or guys who seem to lose their sense of reasoning due to "desperation to get married" is to calm down and do a serious research on whoever they want to settle with.I believe if we all imbibe the culture of insisting that we speak one on one with an ex of our potential new partner or dig into their past, we will sav...