I hope you're having a good weekend. This Sunday I'd like to just quickly share a thought that has become a habit for me and that helps me to deal with criticism in a better way. It took me many years to start using this one but it has done wonders. It is simply to think this to myself when I receive a piece of criticism: Everyone has the right to their own opinion. And that is OK. Now, this might seem obvious. But for the longest time I was honestly not OK with that. I wanted to get everyone to my side, to persuade them to see it my way instead. I may have hid it but I often got upset that someone did not agree with me. And I took their certainty in that they had facts on their side - when it was in most cases just opinions - too seriously and questioned myself too often. This doesn't mean that I don't listen. I can certainly learn from some of the things people tell me or email me about for example. ...