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Showing posts from August 27, 2016

Do you know what the half moon shape on your nails means? The answer is vital!

Have you ever noticed a half moon shape on your nail? In fact, it is a very important and sensitive part of the nail, which requires taking a good care of. So it is called “lunula”, which means “small moon” in Latin. This is a visible part of the root of the nail, and if it gets damaged, the whole nail, eventually, gets deformed. The best view of lunula you can see on your thumb. Specialists claim you can indicate health condition of a person just looking at lunula. According to Chinese medicine, the absence of this part of the nail may indicate of anemia and undernutrition, and bluish, light color of it indicate a diabetes possibility. Red spots on lunula indicate cardiovascular system’s problems. Also, the lack of lunula may be alarming of toxin overload. Now nail artists also could not ignore lunula, and paint different variations of half moon manicure every day!


Permit me to give you these words of wisdom sent to me. It will also be a great blessing to you. Please read and meditate on them: 1. ON EARNING: Never depend on single income. Make investment to create a second chance. 2. ON SPENDING: If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need. 3. ON SAVINGS: Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving. 4. ON TAKING RISK: Never test the depth of a river with both feet. 5. ON INVESTMENT: Do not put all eggs in one basket. 6. ON EXPECTATIONS: Honesty is a very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people. 7. IF YOU are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. Past is a waste paper. Present is a newspaper and future is a question paper. 8. WHEN bad things happen in your life you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you or you can ...